Tips For Back Pain Relief
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Many senior citizens suffer from lower back pain. At a time of their life when they could and should be enjoying themselves back conditions can be a source of ongoing pain and cause great limitations with ability for enjoyment. This article will discuss the most frequent cause of back discomfort amongst seniors, a recent research study revealing data concerning older adult back conditions and a safe, inexpensive, drug-free, nonsurgical conservative care approach to helping this very common malady.
Older adults have usually spent their earlier decades engaging in activities that cause cumulative physical stresses to the low back. Quite a few have had occupations requiring physical labor that affects the back. Those employed in construction work, the trades, nursing, law enforcement and emergency responders and military personnel are all susceptible to back injuries and repetitive stress damage to the back. People employed in sedentary jobs such as administrative assistants, accountants, lawyers, engineers, chemists and dental professionals are not immune to back problems. Likewise, homemakers, whether male or female, who are raising children and keeping a household are susceptible to this condition.
A scientific research study published in Clinics (Brazil), October 2019 reviewed data from 35 published studies involving over 135,000 older adults. The research noted that it’s very common for seniors to experience low back pain that affects their ability to carry out daily tasks. According to the researchers, about one in five adults in their 60s currently have back pain and the risk increases with age, affecting up to 75% of those over the age of 100.
The most frequent cause of back pain for senior citizens is misalignment and/or improper movement of the bones of the lower spine which are called vertebrae. If the vertebrae are not in proper alignment and move improperly, they can pinch spinal nerves and cause irritation of the spinal joints. This is, by far, the most common source of lower back pain.
Fortunately, there is a very simple solution to help this problem. Chiropractic care is the gold standard when looking to help the majority of people suffering from back problems. Chiropractors are trained to evaluate problems of the lower spine. By way of a spinal evaluation consisting of the chiropractor feeling along the muscles of the back for spasm and tightness and misalignments and improper movement of the spinal bones and joints the doctor of chiropractic can determine if a patient is a candidate for chiropractic care. In the event the patient can be helped by chiropractic care treatment can be commenced. The most common method of treatment given by a chiropractor to seniors suffering from lower back pain is a chiropractic adjustment. The adjustment is a very safe, gentle, conservative treatment to realign and restore proper movement to the area of the spine requiring care. Should a patient not be a candidate for chiropractic care the doctor of chiropractic is qualified to refer that person to the best healthcare provider for their specific condition.
For over 125 years chiropractors have been helping seniors get relief of lower back pain. The older adult suffering from a mechanical pain condition of the back would be well advised to consult a doctor of chiropractic.
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